Monday, August 24, 2009

A Conscientious Contractor, a Squirrel-Free Zone, Peach Bread, a Sporty Dog, Generosity, Floral Beauty, Draft Done, Cookies and Tea...

101. Noticing 100 good things in 23 days. Actually, noticing 101...

100. Enjoying a cup of hot decaf tea and a little plate of Social Tea cookies almost all to myself. (I shared half a cookie with a big dog.)

99. Eating dinner with C. at an outdoor cafe on the East Side of Providence, near Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design.

98. Driving on the side of the highway that did not have the traffic jam.

97. Finding a shortcut through Boston to get on the highway.

96. Finishing writing a draft of a chapter.

95. Discovering the "Closed for Lunch" sign taken out of the window of the the post office by the time I arrived.

94. Finding the notary in her office.

93. Noticing the combination of marigolds, begonias and petunias in a wrought iron planter and
making a little sketch of it in the notepad in my pocketbook.

92. Getting in line behind a bald man in a Boston Red Sox shirt who said, "You only have that card. Why don't you go ahead of me?"

91. A barking King Charles spaniel in the passenger seat of a sporty teal blue convertible.

90. A call from L. letting me know that she and R. will be able to come early for lunch and will bring peach bread from a farm stand.

89. Learning there is no evidence of a squirrel in the attic.

88. A contractor who fixed a small problem and said, "I can't in good conscience charge you for this."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time for a Chat, Ordering Passion, Good News, Born-Again Hostas, Melting Butter, a Speedy Response, Musical Cheers, Bright Blooms

87. New growth on the hostas previously munched on by the deer.

86. The first bright blue bloom of the year in the morning glories that wind around my mailbox.

85. Butter melting into a hot-from-the-oven blueberry muffin.

84. Good news about childhood friends, relayed by my mother.

83. Ordering passion iced tea at a drive-through coffee-and-tea chain restaurant. The person taking the order seemed to have trouble hearing and kept asking me to repeat the kind of iced tea I wanted. Finally I took a deep breathe and hollered, "Passion! I want passion!" A priest walking past my car toward the busy restaurant looked back at me with a big smile as I yelled into the microphone that I wanted passion. Passion!

82. Ferrying my daughter, while music that we both liked played on the radio.

81. An uninterupted 15-minute chunk of time to listen to an out-of-state friend's funny stories.

80. Finding a pair of old jeans that fit (and flatter!) in the back of my closet.

79. The AAA (American Automobile Association) arriving within 15 minutes of placing a call.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shade on a Sunny Day, Caffeine-on-Ice, a Billboard That Wasn't For Me, Flower-Filled Vases, Old Friends

78. Chatting with old friends.

77. Finding time to arrange four low vases with flowers from the garden -- cosmos, snapdragons, rose of sharons, black-eyed susans and zinnias -- for a dinner party.

76. A billboard on the side of 195 advertising a woman's 40th birthday, complete with her name and photo..and being happy that my picture was not up there.

75. Being given a non-fat iced carmel latte and finding it delicious.

74. Finding a shady spot at a tournament.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Good Start, Goldfinches, Sock Couples, Raspberry Tea, Dream Parking, a Good Movie With a Favorite Person

73. Seeing the movie The Time Traveler's Wife with B.L.

72. A parking spot close to the front door of the Department of Motor Vehicles that opened up just as I needed to pull in to park.

71. A hot cup of raspberry tea with a few shortbread cookies for dunking.

70. Finding the mate to every sock in the dryer. (I noted it on the calendar...)

69. Two goldfinches eating thistle from a hanging birdfeeder.

68. Waking up early and using the time for uninterupted fact-checking and proofing.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Moon, the News, Sleep, Good Seats, a Daring Combination, a Done Deal, a Fabulous Find

67. Finding a beautiful white, yellow and turquoise sweater that matches my new turquoise dress, marked down from $100 to, dare I write it, five dollars. Five dollars, at T.J. Maxx.

66. An article completed before deadline.

65. The surprising deliciousness of avacado, figs and yogurt for lunch.

64. Front row seats at a Pawtucket Red Sox vs. Rochester Red Wings baseball game.

63. Sleeping seven hours straight.

62. A newsy email from an old friend.

61. The sweet, lemony scent of a dessert-plate-size moon flower I picked on an evening stroll.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

No Cause for Alarm, Readying a Book Proposal, a Hummingbird, A Mystery Solved, a Liberated Male Walker

60. Seeing a retired male neighbor, out for a stroll, wearing the same lavender, pink and white jogging suit I've seen on his wife. The man and his wife could have matching suits, but I prefer to think that they share!

59. Solving the mystery of a series of hollowed out tomatoes found next to my container vegetable garden. A rogue groundhog, caught in the act! (Spraying animal repellent around the yard encourages the little fellow to broaden his horizens and investigate other sources -- elsewhere -- for snacks. )

58. A hummingbird hovering in the pink Rose of Sharon bush near the driveway.

57. A polished book proposal, ready to mail.

56. Learning that everything is fine at Jono's house even though there were rescue vehicles, a police car, two firetrucks and a town van parked outside.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Purple Spuds with Green Herbs, Successful Navigation, a Random Blessing. . .

55. The cashier at the grocery store saying "God bless you" when I was leaving. No sneezing involved.

54. Navigating an unexpected and unfamiliar traffic detour and still getting to the train 15 minutes early -- without using GPS.

53. The visual surprise of tiny purple pototoes tossed with chives, oregano and parsley. The inside of the potatoes, when cut in half, resemble a purple sunburst.